MSN Virtual Earth erases Apple?
Well, since I did the summary of MSN’s new Virtual Earth and compared it to Google Maps. I find this article at The Register that notes that Apple’s Cupertino headquarters is missing from Virtual Earth’s satellite Imagery. They make a bit about how Google Map’s satellite imagery displays it, while MSN doesn’t.
This is one where I really don’t buy into the conspiracy though. I suspect that MSN is just using old Satellite imagery. I don’t know when Apple’s headquarters was completed, but apparently their Satellite imagery still shows a pre-9/11 attack World Trade Center site. So, we might assume the images are at least 4 years old. Beyond that, most of these Satellite images of the earth are not taken at the same time, the scope of that would be tremendous.
I’m more interested to hear details on the ” Locate Me ” feature that I saw. Perhaps there’s some integration with On-star style navigation in the not-too-distant future?