Google Guide

I’ve not run across this resource before, but it looks to have been around for a while. When I have people ask how I’m able to search and find what I’m looking for online, I may suggest this to them because it covers a lot of features of Google. The resource is The Google Guide It all can be printed out to a 149 page tome, or can be perused online. It covers many facets of searching in Google.

Among other things it covers search strategies (which many people coule use a tutorial on.) Also, there are the features I’ve mentioned before the inurl: and site: search modifiers. There is much more, too much to detail here (that’s why it’s 149 pages I guess…) Google as a calculator, phone directory, reverse phone directory, upc lookup, package tracking, mapping site, flight information, weather conditions, stock lookups, dictionary, etc. etc. etc.

In other words, if you feel like you just don’t know how to search, take a look at the Google Guide.

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