Lawsuit to block the release of Windows Vista? is reporting on a move by a public interest lawyer (who is running as a Republican for the Governors Office of Illinois) who is attempting to block the distribution of Windows Vista. He intends to ask Microsoft for an unconditional warranty that the operating system is free from major bugs that could lead to security vulnerabilities. (Good luck with that one…)
He argues that what Microsoft has been involved with in the past is selling a defective product, using the public as guinea pigs and tantamount to consumer fraud. He lays out a scathing summary of Windows XP, 98 and 95.
Microsofts response was along the lines of “When Vista is released it will be the most secure release of Windows ever.” (Which along with “most stable” is what I’ve heard EVERY release cycle since at least Windows 95.)
I don’t think anyone expects Vista will be bug free, but is it possible at this point for them to release a system that has no critical remote exploitation possibilities?