Firefox Market Share slips in July
The July web browser market share stats show a slight decline for Mozilla Firefox, the first decline since it’s 1.0 launch around 9 months ago. ITFacts is reporting that according to statistics from Netapplications, IE has 87.2%, Firefox 8.07%, Mozilla Suite 0.52%, and Opera 0.49% of the market. (No Safari?)
Netapplications monitors stats for around 40,000 sites online. June’s numbers for firefox were 8.71% and Explorer with 86.56%. So is this a reversal of the trend. Some of speculated that recent security problems are to blame. The big picture though still seems to show Firefox as being more secure than Explorer. From my point of view Mozilla has been quick with fixing Firefox vulnerabilities as they’re discovered, where Microsoft has a large list that are aging (and old enough to walk…)
The other thing that I wonder about is this…. say many early adopters are younger and that a significant percentage are in college or University, will we see significant shifts in August and September numbers?
Finally, what really matters is the mix of those 40,000 sites being surveyed. As I’ve mentioned before I’ve found my numbers across all sites to lean more towards a 60-40 Explorer-Firefox balance. My numbers on this site lean more towards Firefox in the majority. It will be interesting to follow.