Catching up on weekend news
Monday, August 8th, 2005I’m catching up a bit on some of the news from over the weekend. Send article as PDF
I’m catching up a bit on some of the news from over the weekend. Send article as PDF
Sunbelt blog, reports that they have uncovered a MASSIVE amount of personal data, ranging from usernames to passwords to banking information and much more while investigating spyware. They found keylogger transcript software with lots of personal information. Sunbelt develops software to protect against spam and spyware and other security threats. A keylogger is software that […]
Okay, in a previous post I talked about a server side solution for junk mail filtering. Now it’s time to ask…. “what if I can’t install filtering software on our mailserver?” Here is one way to deal with the answer… Send article as PDF
Please see my post at North Carolina Send article as PDF
I wrote earlier about “proof of concept” viruses that targeted Monad, the next generation command shell from Microsoft. There had been talk that Monad would ship with Windows Vista and so some people were saying these “proof of concept” virii were the first to target Vista. Well, according to the Microsoft Security Response Center Blog […]
According to El Pais, the wikipedia will begin applying more strict rules to the content of articles and revisions. The wikipedia is a large publicly collaborated encyclopedia at Send article as PDF
Who hasn’t ever seen junk mail? From the offers for prescription drugs to offers for who knows what. Some mail programs give you a way to filter out different senders, but the senders of junk mail are always changing (like viruses.) So what other tools are there? Send article as PDF
A short while back, I compared MSN Virtual Earth and Google Maps, one of the things I noted was that the hybrid feature of MSN’s map was somewhat more complete, however I found a few errors. (The hybrid feature has a satellite image with road names and outlines superimposed over top.) I just noticed that […]
Okay, I’ve seen a new term come across the horizon in the battle of the email inbox. First there were viruses, then junk mail, which became known as Spam and then Phishing attacks now we’re up to DarkMail. According to scmagazine , an IT security focused publication, the earmarks of darkmail are similar to junkmail […]
According to Mandriva’s community newsletter, they’ve landed a contract with the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing. The deal will replace outdated Windows NT servers with Mandriva Linux Corporate Server on a number of machines. Send article as PDF