Archive for August, 2005

List of Open Source software Packages

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

The following is long, but likely not complete. This is a list of open-source software packages:    Send article as PDF   

New version of Site manager software released Campsite

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

According to the Newsforge article, Campsite 2.3 is “the most advanced open-source system for news publishing on the web.” It’s PHP based and more information can be found at the campware website.    Send article as PDF   

New competition for Google Adsense in blogs

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

This article details an announcement from Yahoo about a new advertising network for small and medium size web publishers. The article compares the service lightly to Googles adsense (more details from Yahoo I’m sure to follow.) Also it mentions that in the 2nd quarter of 2005, Google brought in $630 million in “syndicated search revenue” […]

Google News feeds politics and free speech

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

One of the topics I plan to steer clear of most of the time here is politics. I don’t want this site (essentially for my business), to be engulfed with national political, conservative, liberal, etc… debates. It doesn’t fit with the structure I have in mind. However, at the intersection of political debate and technology […]

Shuttle astronaut pulls gap filler out in spacewalk

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

I waited until I could find a news article with a pretty picture, this wasn’t quite what I was hoping for, as this space walk should have allowed for some excellent views of the shuttle and the earth behind it. The astronaut successfully pulled out the “gap fillers” that were protruding from the underbelly. There […]

3GB USB bootable Micro Hard drive with Ubuntu Linux

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

Just found a reference to this product at It’s a 3GB microdrive in a “big usb cracker”kind of form factor. (Not solid state, it does have moving parts I understand.) It comes with Ubuntu linux preinstalled with Office suite/web browser, all the trimings. It will boot on PC’s that support booting from USB. Of […]

Criminal Charges against users of software that infringes on Intellectual Property?

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

According to cnet news. A new proposed EU law could allow criminal charges and jail time for the bosses of businesses that run software that infringes on someones Intellictual Property. SCO in the last couple of years has brought civil charges against businesses using linux claiming that linux violates their (SCO’s) IP. (Something which as […]

Google cache revealing critical personal infromation

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

A while back I did an article on using Google search in some slightly more advanced ways, as well as a link to a site of specific Google searches. I’ve come across something in the Handlers diary at that is worth knowing about. The entry in question details that apparently someone made a BIG […]

Mozilla foundation reorganization

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

There is news out of the Mozilla foundation today that they are reorganizing. The Mozilla Corporation will be a “taxable subsidiary” and will be responsible for marketing, distribution and product development, serving the goals of it’s non-profit, public benefit goals of the parent organization.    Send article as PDF   

Microsoft launches start page test to compete with Google’s start page

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

When I first saw the MSN search page I had to smirk. It reminded me much of the Google search page. It was a nice “clean” layout, take away the blue background and the similarities would be greater. Of course my first thought was. “OK they’re copying google.” or at least their style. Next    […]
