Archive for August, 2005

SuSE Linux opening up

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

I just read at arstechnica that it looks as though Novell is going to try and develop a community around SuSE, much like Red Hat has done with Fedora. They’ll be opening up the code at The goal will be to make it easier for people to get involved with releasing software for SuSE […]

Google Earth for linux?

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

I’ve mentioned Google Maps several times. *(Microsoft VirtualEarth recently jumped into competition)* Essentially you can browse, search and drag around road maps on the screen, or switch to a satellite view of an area, or even a hybrid mode where you can zoom, click and drag a satellite image with mapping super-imposed. Searches place objects […]

Interactive forms with OpenOffice writer

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

In some cases training resources for open software are lacking. There aren’t too many books out there on those topices, the manuals are sometimes neglected, but there are exceptions. has such a wide ranging community that it is one of the exceptions when it comes to documentation and instructionals. One such how-to is an […]

Linux in city government

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

Newforge has a good article about the city of Kenosha Wisconsin and their experience to linux. They started their “test” about 10 years ago starting with a DNS server and or a mailserver. They’ve moved now to a complete server/thin-client setup. They initially saved $100,000 a year with Linux, now that number is higher from […]

Boycott Microsoft’s IE 7.0 ?

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

There’s an editorial at Windows IT pro that’s trying to hold Microsoft’s feet to the fire with the upcoming browser release. Disappointed by yesterdays posting that IE will fail the Acid2 test, Paul Thurrott says we should all boycott Internet Explorer 7 until Microsoft gets their act together and makes Explorer more secure and standards […]

What is Open Source

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

Open source denotes that the origins of a product are publicly accessible in part or in whole. See Open source (disambiguation) for related topics and other meanings.    Send article as PDF   

Another Phishing update

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

Well, last week I detailed attempts to get one phishing site shut down, then another two sites shut down. All three of those are out of operation now. I’ve gone after a fourth and it’s still up and going several days on. It’s spoofing ebay’s site and I’ve contacted both ebay through their fraud notification […]

Question and answer with Microsoft’s Linux lab manager

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

Slashdot is running a thread asking for questions for an interview with the head of Microsoft’s linux lab, Bill Hilf. The 10-12 highest moderated questions will be asked in the interview which will be posted Monday.    Send article as PDF   

Ap coverage of hacker convention

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

Apnews has an article on the recent “hacker convention” in Las Vegas. In typical media fashion they paint with a broad brush to display it as “a no-mans land where customary adversaries, feds vs. digital mavericks are supposed to share ideas about making the internet safe.”    Send article as PDF   

qemu for testing linux livecd’s

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

I’ve mentioned a few things about linux livecds in the last few days and thought I would also mention a great tool for testing them. QEMU is a program, available for Linux or Microsoft Windows, that allows you to run an operating system within your current desktop. Let me try to clarify, I have my […]
