Archive for August, 2005

Using a linux livecd for Data recovery

Monday, August 1st, 2005

This one makes into the hardware AND software categories. I don’t remember how many times I’ve replaced a failing hard drive. Usually the biggest headache and anxiety is if you’ll be able to get any data off of the old drive. Sometimes if luck holds and the system can read both the old and the […]

Making flash animation under linux

Monday, August 1st, 2005

According to, there is a new entry in the toolset of making flash animation under linux. It’s called Qflash and looks as though it’s in the early stages, but supports swf output. This is a category of tool that is sorely lacking under native linux programs and a welcome addition.    Send article as […]

Assess security using a linux livecd

Monday, August 1st, 2005

Another in the line of great linux articles from IBM. This article details using a linux livecd to assess computer system (and network) security. It’s a good overview with some relevant links.    Send article as PDF   

LCD displays versus older CRT displays

Monday, August 1st, 2005

Sometimes I find that people are surprised that you could replace just the monitor (the display) of your computer without replacing the tower (the part that holds the CPU and drives). You can though and it’s a pretty easy thing to swap. There are however some choices out on the market and a bit of […]

Make your own linux livecd

Monday, August 1st, 2005

I’ve had somewhat of an addiction to the different linux livecds. I can’t seem to help but find it interesting to download and try a new one even if it’s just slightly different from another I’ve seen. I guess part of the reason is I think it’s an important and potentially highly useful area. A […]

New Xandros review

Monday, August 1st, 2005

There is a review of Xandros 3.0 Business edition up at xyzcomputing Xandros is a linux distribution designed for Windows users (or at least those migrating from Windows.) The review hits the highlights of    Send article as PDF   
