By the way, the US commerce dept. computers are under attack….
Shouldn’tthis and this get more news coverage? US Commerce Department computers (specifically a bureau responsible for export licenses) is under cyber attack from hackers based in China. The Bureau in question is the Bureau of Industry and Security…. which handles “U.S. exports which have both commercial and military applications”…. They’ve been targetted by various rootkits among other malwares and in early September were forced to cut off internet access (yes that’s around a MONTH ago).
There’s no evidence any of the bureaus data has been compromised, but they say that there is evidence pointing to state sponsored hacking….. so essentially state sponsored Chinese hackers are targetting a SENSITIVE portion of the Commerce Department. Computers are being replaced because of concerns of BIOS-hidden rootkits and internet access has been limited to workstations that are quarantined seperate from the working LAN.
Not too long ago I recall typing about the Titan Rain hack attacks that seemed to be originating from China as well. The reports at that time didn’t seem to address Chinese government involvement (although I may not recall correctly.) It’s interesting to note one person quoted as saying we’ve lost 3-4 cyber battles with the Chinese at this point….