Opengroupware install on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake
One recent task was install opengroupware on a dapper drake 6.06 install in a virtual machine. I followed the instructions found here and ran into a slight problem. The default install from Ubuntu does not have apache in the enabled repositories. (Apache2)… following the intsructions given I first added opengroupware’s (debian sarge) repository
to /etc/apt/sources.list ( deb sarge trunk )… then installed apache2 instead of apache *(as apache is not in the default package repositories) and then postgresql-8.1, and libapache-mod-ngobjweb, then opengroupware.org1.1-webui-theme* and… /etc/init.d/opengroupware seemed to restart with no problems, but the install was not accessible via the http://localhost/OpenGroupware address.
So, being in a VM, I restarted from scratch quickly and enabled the universe and multiverse repositories and installed apache and so on down the list and things worked. I did see that apache2 has two modules disabled by default that opengroupware relies upon, a quick test of that in the first setup didn’t seem to resolve the problems and I didn’t have time to troubleshoot the how’s and why’s.
So… the bottom line – use apache instead of apache2 for a quick and easy way to get up and running on ubuntu server.