Archive for the 'General Web/Tech' Category

The Vista stories keep coming – Vista bad news for small security companies

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

VuNet has an article today on the coming of Vista and the imminent doom of the smaller security companies. The hardest hit will be anti-spyware and personal firewall vendors they say. It may well be true, it does sound like a different approach to user permissions (limited priviliges by default?) IE7 running in a sandbox, […]

Sky falls – bugs exist in the Linux kernel….

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006

There have been several articles in the last few days breathlessly heralding the news The linux kernel is too buggy… Andrew Morton, the lead maintainer has said in the last week that the 2.6 kernel has gotten a bit out of hand with too many new features and too few fixed bugs. Of course, he’s […]

Vista’s rocky road….

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006

Microsoft hasn’t got a lot of positive free publicity about Vista that I’ve seen. I read about a Gartner Group suggesting that it wouldn’t be available until 2nd quarter 2007. (Which was shortly after Microsoft said they wouldn’t make 4th quarter 2006 if I recall…) I’ve seen a lot of analysts talking about how the […]

The problem with earbuds…..

Monday, May 8th, 2006

This isn’t exactly “high tech”…. but earbuds are one of the ways we “interface” with high tech devices… A couple weeks ago I had the annoyance of my long time pair of earbuds failing to work. At first I thought my right ear was stopped up from allergies, but in swapping ears (well… buds) I […]

More Google weirdness – Google results in flux again?

Saturday, May 6th, 2006

I was just skimming a couple articles after noticing two sites that I had reported to google as having WRONG cache information had disappeared. It looks as though there is a certain amount of flux going on in the Google results (more than I would expect just a usual churn.) For instance, this site has […]

Time to start cleaning out sites – the internet’s getting too full….

Friday, May 5th, 2006

Or at least Google may be…. stories here and here. The way the Register puts it is that Google is in an arms race with blog spammers, with tools out that can create 100 blogs in 24 minutes and shops that can provide mass numbers of private label articles, they contend that google is drowning […]

Translating web pages

Friday, May 5th, 2006

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before here, but languages are one of the things that fascinate me. I’ve studied Spanish, German and French. Although right now I would barely be able to recognize a handful of words in German and French. Of late, spanish has been the language I’ve focused on *(3 1/2 […]

Google Calendar escapes into public use..

Thursday, April 13th, 2006

There have been rumors for (years?) a long time at least, that google was preparing something known as cl2 which would be a calendar with full gmail integration. There were screenshots, many of which were photoshopped from another web calendar, but there were others that were more convincing… well, as of late yesterday Google Calendar […]

The do-not-do business with list….

Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

I found an interesting link through The Sunbeltblog on the “do not do business with” list… I don’t think this is a NEW thing really, for years there have been government policies against doing business with certain individuals, etc… but…. anyway Bruce Schneier has done an article on it which gives some interesting points that […]

OK – just fresh off the 5 wordpress install updates and now clamav…

Friday, April 7th, 2006

So, I spent the better part of the evening doing WordPress updates to get 5 blogs up to v. 2.0.2 and now….. clamav has multiple vulnerabilities …………… oi…. now it’s time to rebuild clamav to install on 2 machines……    Send article as PDF   
