Archive for the 'Linux Software' Category

Smartmontools on Windows – emailing warnings

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

For years I’ve been using smartmontools on my linux-based machines. What I’ve absolutely LOVED about it is the advance notice I’ve had of hard drive failures. Two consecutive Decembers I received an email from my server claiming that a drive was dying and had time to replace them rescuing the data. (Although the first one […]

Instlux – install linux without rebooting to a cd

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

A few days ago I was researching possibilities for linux boot without rebooting to a cd. I found something interesting in instlux. Essentially, it’s a windows installer style download that can bootstrap and install a linux distribution (looks like Linkat, OpenSuse and Ubuntu are currently supported.) I’m curious to actually try this out in the […]

Opengroupware install on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake

Friday, May 4th, 2007

One recent task was install opengroupware on a dapper drake 6.06 install in a virtual machine. I followed the instructions found here and ran into a slight problem. The default install from Ubuntu does not have apache in the enabled repositories. (Apache2)… following the intsructions given I first added opengroupware’s (debian sarge) repository    Send […]

Vmware server install on Ubuntu Dapper

Friday, May 4th, 2007

I thought I had already posted this, but I looked the other day and didn’t find the article, so I’m posting it now… if it’s a duplicate, sorry… I’m still using Ubuntu’s Dapper Drake 6.06(.1) as a base install for many things… the Long term support idea fo rthe server “stuff” is somewhat reassuring and […]

Daylight Savings Changes on linux systems

Monday, March 12th, 2007

Might should have typed this up sooner, but… a while back I did an article on the daylight savings changes with regards to Windows 98 and how timezone editor tzedit could be used to make sure these OS’s kept the correct time. Well, on the linux side of things there’s not a lot to the […]

Virtual Server on Apache to listen on an alternate port

Saturday, February 24th, 2007

In the last few days, I had to set up something a bit unusual with apache. Basically the goal was to have apache listen for connections on two different ports (the standard port 80 and an alternate port 85). The problem was that I wanted different content at each port. Port 85 was to be […]

Zeroshell Livecd – providing main network services

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007 is an interesting bundle of linux designed to be an out of the box network service swiss army knife of sorts. Here are the network services that it provides…. Kerberos 5 authentication, LDAP, NIS, Radius authentication, x509 certificate authority, unix and windows compatible active directory services, router, implements bridging and vlan protocols, full radius […]

Sleuthkit – windows and linux file recovery

Sunday, February 18th, 2007 Sluethkit… is a collection of tools for forensic analysis of a system. Usually it’s something that would be done when you’ve had a suspected rootkit on the system and you boot to another operating system with sluethkit installed (maybe livecd/etc.) and want to try to analyze and hunt for traces of the rootkit. However […]

Big Ubuntu Linux news

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

This is something that really looks interesting. Recently Linspire announced their intent to open source the CNR (Click N Run) concept for installing software, launching a wiki based web site that would allow supported linux distributions to install software (open source or commercial) with as easy a process as possible (visit web site, browse, click). […]

Caching downloaded deb files with apt-cacher

Monday, January 29th, 2007

It seems silly with multiple machines to download the same file multiple times. At some level it’s not THAT inconvenient. It really depends on your connection speed and the size of the files in question. For Ubuntu and other systems based on the .deb package format and apt-get there is a nice option for setting […]
