Big trouble – you don’t have any viruses….

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

You know, I’ve seen soooo many antivirus vendors that are somewhat ethically challanged claim that cookie files are a big threat, or in worse cases files that the “free” antivirus test downloaded are dangerous “you should be glad we got here in time – where’s our $30 to fix things…” kind of message, but from […]

New malware sightings

Thursday, June 8th, 2006 had an entry in the last couple days on a malware infestation that was interesting and showed a couple things. 1) You can’t bet on antivirus to keep you safe (the initial installer was not detected by most AV vendors – suspicious by 1.) (If you think about it, this makes perfect sense – […]

Symantec Antivirus Remotely Exploitable Vulnerability

Friday, May 26th, 2006

This is bad – whose defending the defender? eEye security has a bulletin announced that regards a remotely exploitable vulnerability in Symantec Antivirus 10.x and Symantec Client Security 3.x They say other versions MAY be vulnerable they’re waiting for information from Symantec. Now, Symantec is probably the biggest selling antivirus package out there. It looks […]

Computer security day….

Friday, May 19th, 2006

A few days ago – while musing about the botnet take-down of Blue Security – I said something along the lines of “Make sure your pc’s are clean from “bugs” and help your friends do likewise. Spread the word, we need a “worldwide clean your computer with antivirus and antispyware day” or something like it. […]

Zero-day ( 0-day) Microsoft Word exploit

Friday, May 19th, 2006

There was some news on this last night at, today F-secure has some details as well on the trojan that’s dropped in this circulating, exploit. It seems as though the initial attack was very targetted against a specific organization. Antivirus packages did not recognize the trojan that the exploit file dropped as of yesterday, […]

Nugache the latest in bot-net technology… and why you should care about botnets…

Wednesday, May 17th, 2006

To show you where the threat with bot networks is going there’s a story today on Nugache (Symantec summary) which is a bot that takes advantage of a number of clever tricks to avoid having the whole bot net shut down, allow command and control on an encrypted channel and essentially have no “human readable […]

Would you trust antispyware that installed adware?

Monday, May 15th, 2006

There are a couple stories on spywarecleaner’s recent practice of bundling whenu with the free version of their “antispyware scanner”. According to spyware confidential, SpywareCleaner made the rogue antispyware products list and was delisted after they corrected some “issues”. Now, they’ve been relisted due to the adware bundling of WhenU Save.    Send article as […]

Interesting spyware push download tactic…

Thursday, May 11th, 2006 has another interesting post about a spyware site. One of the handlers ran across it while doing a search for an educational institution. (They’ve used a wildcard in the dns record so that they can get traffic to {fillinkeyword} Anyway… the main page tries to install from WinSoftware Corporation, Inc. It gives the […]

A Deeper look at Nyxem

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

First I should raise an alarm of warning on this one, this virus is supposed to overwrite all accessible document files (network shares too) on the 3rd of the month, so February 3rd we may be seeing some problems. Don’t wait until then to make sure you have current antivirus definitions. The Nyxem virus though […]

Symantec fixes possible rootkit issue

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

Brian Krebs at the SecurityFix has the story. Symantec, has fixed a problem with their SystemWorks and SystemWorks premier software that could allow malicious software to hide in the Norton Protected Recycle Bin. That software, could have used the nprotect directory to evade detection by antivirus and antispyware programs.    Send article as PDF   
