The Cost of Running a PC 24 Hours a Day

Monday, January 28th, 2008

I saw an interesting question over at slashdot on the topic of how many companies actually had their employees power down their PC’s overnight. The site in question had about 8000 PCs about half of which stayed powered on overnight. There’s a lot of talk these days about “going green”. I’ve always been interested in […]

Microsoft Issues advisory on Powerpoint flaw

Tuesday, July 18th, 2006

Here’s the link to Microsoft’s advisory. The main workaround seems to be…. Don’t open or save powerpoint attachments that you receive from untrusted sources, OR that you receive unexpectedly from trusted sources…. So, the only real workaround is what SHOULD be common practice. Whether or not there is a vulnerability in the news you should […]

Windows Vista Beta 2 download torrent

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

After spending about 5 days using wget to resume the download of the vista beta 2 .iso file (which is a bit over 3 GB). I finally gave up seeing as how that 5 days had netted me about 2-3 MB of data. As I started looking around online, I found that Chris Pirillo had […]

Using .htaccess to ALLOW directory browsing

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

By default the apache install for most sites now restricts directory browsing. It’s a good idea, you don’t want just ANYTHING to be browsable on a web server, but there comes a time that it makes life easier for a directory (or tree of directories) to be browsable without having to write (copy and paste) […]

Kaffeine no sound

Monday, December 26th, 2005

Ok – so now post upgrade to Mandriva 2006 I sit down to try something out. Put a dvd in the drive and see what happens. I rarely sit and watch dvd’s on the desktop, but it’s always been a possibility… So, when I pop the disc in, kaffeine pops up with it’s “install” sequence […]

Another example of how we’re vulnerable for identity theft

Monday, December 19th, 2005

The SecurityFix is reporting on a security breech at a company that supplies (among others) law enforcement personnel. Apparently, CardCops (which monitors for possible stolen data), discovered names and addresses of several law enforcement officers from across the country. The common denominator seemed to be recent orders at and the company has confirmed […]

Most home pc users lacking on PC security…

Thursday, December 8th, 2005

Surprise!!… ummm wait, no… This article has come out while I’ve been in the midst of cleaning up a Windows ME pc that has been “0\/\/ned” (owned/controlled…) by someone other than the owner for a bit over 15 months. The system had NO antivirus, no firewall (no antispyware) and used dialup for internet. (That much […]

So many things so little time…..

Friday, November 4th, 2005

The last month has been quite busy as is evidenced by so few postings here…. Of course, the majority of what I do is on-site computer service and sometimes that explodes to fill most every moment of most every day leaving little time for “un-necessary” things like this… nothing big seems to be popping today, […]
