Antivirus update response times

Wednesday, December 21st, 2005

We know that for Windows systems especially antivirus is a must. Up to date antivirus is the MOST important though. So how do the different vendors do in responsiveness and quick antivirus definition updates…? The SecurityFix has an article on just that today. The comparison is courtesy of    Send article as PDF   

Clamantivirus may get support from eEye?

Tuesday, December 13th, 2005

This would be a good thing for clamantivirus. eEye is considering “adopting” clamav for inclusion in their Blink product. The idea is that they would improve clamantivirus and then start integrating it as antivirus scanning functionality in their product. This would be really promising for the prospects of having clamav (clamwin) do real-time, on-access scanning […]

New Beagle/Bagle variant?

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005

So, I submitted the suspicious attachment I received to virustotal ( with SCAN in the subject and suspicious file as attachment.) What follows below is the report I received. It looks like some of the big names (Symantec, McAfee are not finding anything wrong with it at this point, with the hodge-podge of names it […]

Like flypaper for malware..

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

The diary over at the SANS Institute mentioned an interesting program today. Nepenthes is a program that can simulate a vulnerability so that it can collect samples of malware trying to exploit that vulnerability.    Send article as PDF   

Display problems with livecds

Monday, August 8th, 2005

One of the things I’ve run into with various linux livecds, whether it’s my own made with mklivecd, or others based on Knoppix, the Suse Livecd, or I could go on…. the problem I’ve seen is with the display drivers. Yes, MOST of the time the autodetection seems to work fine and you get a […]

Make your own linux livecd

Monday, August 1st, 2005

I’ve had somewhat of an addiction to the different linux livecds. I can’t seem to help but find it interesting to download and try a new one even if it’s just slightly different from another I’ve seen. I guess part of the reason is I think it’s an important and potentially highly useful area. A […]
