Making a 1000BT crossover cable

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

I’ve been using 1000BT switches here for a year or more now, but just today have I run across the need to make a crossover cable. Many 1000BT (*gigabit ethernet) devices support “auto-mdix” which basically means a direct interconnect no longer needs a crossover cable. However, some devices don’t do this and it looks as […]

Firewire/USB card and ethernet incompatibilities on Ubuntu 6.06

Saturday, November 4th, 2006

I’ve had a machine for quite a while that I’ve been working on as a “backup server”. My goal with it is to have a RAID1 setup with two 250GB drives and I also wanted USB2/firewire functionality so that I could even add a USB drive to the array for the purpose of having a […]

Ubuntu-server 6.06 LTS plus vmware server and other vmware server notes

Saturday, June 17th, 2006

What follows are some notes taken on vmware server. Most are related to an install on ubuntu-server (NO GUI INSTALLED)…. the main point of this is to have the host system take as FEW resources away from the guests as possible. This requires a few x libraries – but not full blown X gui.    […]

Network Security – Arp spoofing series

Monday, January 30th, 2006

I think I’ve wrapped up the series on arp spoofing and it’s implications for network security. I know there’s nothing earth shattering here, most network security types are well aware of the problems (and perhaps aware of more sophisticated solutions?). For some though, this series is likely an eye opener as there are myths that […]

NEW exploit for the WMF vulnerability

Saturday, December 31st, 2005

Just when you thought we had a good understanding of the recent zero-day WMF (Windows metafile exploit) it’s worse. Sans is reporting on a new variation on the exploit released today. They have gone to yellow (again) to warn people. Here are some details. This exploit was “made by the folks at metasploit and xfocus, […]

Mythtv remote frontend

Friday, December 30th, 2005

So, when I did the laptop upgrade I formated the root partition which means that working mythtv frontend was erased and it had to be set up from scratch. I had been running version 0.16 of mythtv on all the systems, but finding rpms for that older version looked challenging, so…. I went ahead with […]

Small Ethernet Print Server

Wednesday, December 28th, 2005

The Hawking Technology Print Server (HPS1P) is a nice little parallel port to ethernet print server that can be configured to make a single printer available to multiple machines on a LAN (local area network). It supports a number of different protocols and can be configured through a web interface, or with a Windows based […]

Ultimate Christmas gift for the tech that has everything (else), a satellite?

Monday, November 7th, 2005

The story about the linux satellite that can be yours for a mere $10 million dollars caught my eye as I was skimming news this afternoon. Apparently a company called SpaceDev has launched the product called “SpaceDev Modular Microsat Bus™”, which is a 220 pound satellite based on plug-n-play standard interfaces (ethernet, usb). It includes […]

Low power, small, wall mountable pc

Friday, November 4th, 2005

This is something neat I found at the sunbeltblog. Usually I see spyware/security related bits there, but this was different and worth a mention. It appears to be a wall mountable pc around 4-5″ square.    Send article as PDF   

A tun of trouble….

Monday, August 15th, 2005

Sorry, VERY bad pun but I couldn’t resist. I mentioned that I was having tun difficulties that kept me from playing around with anything fancy networking-wise with qemu. For starters let me see if I can explain what tun is. Tun is a method of creating a point-to-point “imaginary” network connection between a program and […]
