Creating Strong Passwords that are Also Easy to Remember

Monday, February 25th, 2008

Making up passwords is something we have to do almost everyday it seems. Banking web sites, forums, email accounts, webhosting accounts, mail lists, etc. But it seems that making passwords is one of the things that some people have the hardest time doing. Maybe it’s not that it’s hard to make a password, but hard […]

Photoshop and news pictures…

Monday, August 7th, 2006

There was a time when people looked to shape images for political benefit. (I mean political in most ALL senses of the word whether it’s domestic or international or issue oriented politics etc.) By this I mean, “Framing the picture” the right way, in front of a banner, cropping tight on a speaker so you […]

More reason to be cautious with Firefox plugins

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

Again…. this article referring to an exploit related to the cross platform plugin capability in firefox, is a GOOD reminder to be cautious when looking at potential plugins to install for mozilla firefox. In fact, the advice is usually do NOT install software (including plugins) from untrusted sources. By all means, please investigate any piece […]

Microsoft security roundup

Monday, June 26th, 2006

OK – there have been a number of Excel problems floating around in the last week – week and a half. Securiteam blog has a FAQ on the Excel 0-day vulnerabilities with Excel and Excel Viewer kindly gives us a scoresheet documenting the three different vulnerabilities that have been recently exploited. I have not […]

Would you trust antispyware that installed adware?

Monday, May 15th, 2006

There are a couple stories on spywarecleaner’s recent practice of bundling whenu with the free version of their “antispyware scanner”. According to spyware confidential, SpywareCleaner made the rogue antispyware products list and was delisted after they corrected some “issues”. Now, they’ve been relisted due to the adware bundling of WhenU Save.    Send article as […]

Apple Quicktime security vulnerabilites and update

Thursday, January 12th, 2006

There are a number of vulnerabilites reported with Apple Quicktime player related to the way it handles various file formats. Quicktime Player 7.0.4 is the current released GOOD version, everything from 7.0.3 and prior are vulnerable. The Security Fix has some details. There were a total of about 8 vulnerabilities fixed in 7.0.4 and they […]

Microsoft touts Windows vista restart manager

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

Okay – here we go…. Microsoft is talking about a new feature of Vista that allows you to … update parts of the operating system or applications without having to reboot the entire machine. Another angle at If that works as advertised that’s great. Update something related to networking, just restart networking *(kind of […]

OpenSuSE 10 beta 1 screenshots

Thursday, August 11th, 2005 is at it again with the screenshots…., this time there’s a lizard on the desktop. Yes, screenshots from openSuSe 10 beta 1. Just several days ago Novell announced that they were “opening” the SuSE Linux project and the first beta was not far behind.    Send article as PDF   
