Serving up web ads to users with javascript disabled

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005

Well, with all the news on the Explorer bug, I started wondering what affect this would have on people browsing sites with adsense. I mean, adsense relies on javascript, so if it’s disabled, no adsense right? Right… Of course, adsense is not the only advertising program that uses javascript. (Of course, there are a number […]

Froogle Local price comparisons

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005

I noticed that the googleblog had a note today about some improvements to Froogle that have been rolled out. I have noticed recently that some products were “clustered” with price descriptions of (from $22-$49) or something, which when clicked would show you the exact same item at multiple places (more targeted than just a search […]

Google analytics again…

Monday, November 21st, 2005

Analytics seems to be churning on a bit better, no a bit over a week since it’s re-launch. There was a rocky start last week, but it looks like for the 4 sites I’m tracking I have data for 3 up to yesterday. One of those, I have data including this morning 10AM. It looks […]

Watching Google’s domain registrations

Monday, November 21st, 2005

Google has become such a dominant company…. it’s good to know someone is watching where they might be going tomorrow…. has a list of some recent domain name registrations by Google.,,, among others (usually the .net/org/biz variants…) Interesting to see where they may be going. There’s also a list (through […]

GMail security problem fixed

Friday, November 18th, 2005

Google’s not had a great week it would appear (Sony’s had worse… but that’s another story). The Analytics launch was somewhat rocky from most accounts and there is a GMail security bug that’s been announced and fixed. Details on the bug are here, and a writeup is also here. Apparently a flaw in the authentication […]

Another interesting Google Buy?

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

There are rumors that Google may be acquiring Riya. Riya makes software that aims at recognizing faces in images and pulling text out of images (recognizing text on signs in a picture for instance.) ( facial recognition searching )    Send article as PDF   

MSN Virtual Earth neat tricks

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

I’ve spent some time covering some of the neat implementations of Google Maps and Google Earth, I’ve just come across a site that has similar uses for Microsoft’s MSN Virtual Earth. The site is called and not only links to examples of neat things people have done using Virtual Earth, but also articles and […]

More google news sitemaps….

Wednesday, November 16th, 2005

What are they trying to prove??? Okay, Google Analytics rolled out (slowly) earlier this week and is just now catching up on reporting data. It looked like one of the rockiest initial Google releases to date. This morning came the news of Google Base a way to submit and search, well, sets of information that […]

Google Base is now available

Wednesday, November 16th, 2005

Sometime back, there was talk of Google Base, a databas-ish product coming from Google. Let me let a summary from their blog explain it… Rather than impose specific schemas and structures on the world, Google Base suggests attributes and item types based on popularity, which you can use to define and attach your own labels […]

Google Analytics update

Wednesday, November 16th, 2005

Well, I mentioned the release of Google Analytics yesterday which really looks promising. At this hour I can still say it looks promising. I had a funny thought after trying several times yesterday to get set up… it was a “good going, you just broke google” kind of thought. It was pretty clear that demand […]
