Strange Desktop issue resolved….

Friday, March 24th, 2006

Well, it’s annoying to me when my own computer has issues that I can’t seem to track down and off and on for the last year I’ve had annoying seemingly random shut downs (I mean it’s as if someone pulled the power plug). It was an AMD XP 1800 system. The first I noticed the […]

Strange Novell Server error

Tuesday, January 17th, 2006

I ran into strange problems accessing a shared Novell Netware (5.0) folder. Everytime the folder was attempted to be accessed from multiple machines the window would freeze and if you waited long enough, there would be an error message along the lines of “Netware Alert Message”… NIOS.NLM Call to NIOS page unlock by module unknown […]

Check your hard drive’s temperature in Linux

Friday, January 6th, 2006

I started using this program after frying a hard drive in 6 months. It was on the server and serving up Audio 24/7 and it was sandwiched between a cdrom drive and another hard drive. There was no air flow around the hard drive and subsequently it had a very short and very rough life. […]

Kdirstat to track space hogs

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

I’m putting this under the Windows tech support category because I’ve used this on a boot cd before to do the same for Windows as I’m about to describe for Linux. I need to clean up and organize my hard drive(s). But when it comes to actually deleting things you really do want to get […]

WMF Exploit — it’s worse…

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

This is going to be a rough start to the new year for IT staff and computer users…. There’s coverage at, the sunbeltblog and f-secure of the latest twist in what will likely be a BIG mess to clean up. It looks like there’s a someone spamming emails to tons of addresses with a […]

Cleaning up after the WMF exploit

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

OK, I mentioned that I infested a virtual machine with the current WMF 0-day exploit. First I should probably clarify. An exploit is a means of getting in to a system. The payload is the software that is installed. In the case of my experience there was a long list of pests installed. Given that […]

A Tip for cleaning up an infected PC

Sunday, December 25th, 2005

There’s a joke that many people bring out when new Windows viruses hit big…. it goes along the lines of, “download a fix here” and the link points to a knoppix linux livecd download, or a Mandriva download disk, fedora/etc… Some say linux isn’t affected by as many viruses because it lacks market share, I […]

Bittorrent is amazing

Friday, December 16th, 2005

As I type this, I’m downloading a compressed hard drive image from the freeoszoo download page. The download size is about 1.2GB and it’s been BLAZING fast. (286KBps is the top I’ve seen) it’s been going – maybe 20-30 minutes and is 70% through…    Send article as PDF   

Tools of the trade…. External USB drive adapter

Monday, December 12th, 2005

This is the first of a few articles that will highlight some of the tools/gadgets/gizmos that I find useful. I’m starting off with one that’s almost essential. External USB hard drive adapter. Recently, I’ve been looking for something a bit leaner than your typical usb -> hard drive converter. Yes, I’ve carried something like this […]

Another entry on DBAN (boot disk to securely wipe a hard drive)

Sunday, December 4th, 2005

This kind of get’s glommed into hardware, software and security categories all…. I’ve mentioned DBAN a couple times already (Darik’s Boot and Nuke). I had a chance to sit down this afternoon to nuke a few disks I’ve collected over the last little while and thought I’d pass along some points on the DBAN for […]
