Suspicious Emails inderectly leading to virus infection

Friday, August 5th, 2005

According to The August 4th entry of the handlers diary, there are some peculiar emails going around. They claim to be for an article claiming an explosion kills 140 in Iraq. It contains a link to a news article that has been altered from it’s original (140 instead of 14 for instance.) It also […]

Bad week for Cisco, security headaches

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

For starters, there was this advisory last week in response to a planned talk at a hacker convention on the possibility of a cisco router ipv6 exploit. The advisory detailed a LOCAL exploit and not the remote exploit that the talk was centered around. There was legal action against the speaker and materials detailing it […]

Assess security using a linux livecd

Monday, August 1st, 2005

Another in the line of great linux articles from IBM. This article details using a linux livecd to assess computer system (and network) security. It’s a good overview with some relevant links.    Send article as PDF   

Custom Error Pages with .htaccess

Friday, July 29th, 2005

Ok, we’ve looked at controlling access to directories with .htaccess, but there are other neat tricks we can do that can add a bit of polish to your site.    Send article as PDF   

Protecting access to web directories with htaccess

Thursday, July 28th, 2005

Okay, in an earlier article I was looking at uses of Google that might reveal things you don’t want revealed about your website. Maybe a test directory that you don’t want to be spidered. I want to say that it’s not possible to keep it hidden just by NOT linking to it. That’s what some […]

Anti phishing information (phighting phishing ?)

Wednesday, July 27th, 2005

Well, after the early week experience with getting a Bank of the West site taken down, I’ve taken on two more which have come in today. One of these was an ebay spoof, the other paypal. In both cases I’ve emailed the appropriate abuse address on the owners network (this time one is in China, […]

Creating a redirect page

Tuesday, July 26th, 2005

This is one that comes in handy a lot. Like many things in computing there are a number of ways to accomplish this. My favorite though is one fo the simplest.    Send article as PDF   

Google as a tool for crackers

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Google is a search tool which I use literally every day. Sometimes it’s multiple times per day. Sometimes I can’t imagine how I would function without being able to do a quick google search. There are some features that I don’t often use and in some ways have promised myself to use more in an […]

Protecting yourself from Phishing attacks

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

OK – well if you know what phishing is. You may already be ahead of the game. By now you’ve probably seen the messages. subject:Security breach of your account text: It has come to our attention that there have been numerous ip addresses attempting to access your account with If you would […]
