DD-WRT v.24 final released for Linksys WRT54GL and other routers

Friday, June 6th, 2008

I just found out today that dd-wrt v.24 has reached it’s final release. (As opposed to the previous release candidates.) I have several linksys wrt54gl routers that I’ve installed earlier versions of the alternative firmware on. I’ve been really pleased with the results as well. Most of my installs are based on v.23sp2, but I’m […]

The Linksys WRT54GL and DD-WRT firmware

Monday, May 5th, 2008

I’ve had a couple of small wireless projects lately and have really been having a great time playing around with the Linksys-Cisco WRT54GL Wireless-G Broadband Router and one of the many GREAT 3rd party firmwares dd-wrt. I know, for a couple years I’ve meant to get a hold of one of these little linksys boxes […]

Strange net problems with a Netgear FS608 switch

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

This was weird and now that the switch is replaced I haven’t been able to duplicate it, but let me explain. There was a netgear fs608 (8 port unmanaged) switch plugged into a linksys router (model number not noted.) The cable was straight (although the fs608 has support for link through straight or crossover cables.) […]

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