Microsoft Outlook – duplicate email messages Part II

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

This is part II, click here for part one of the saga… Okay, so I revisit to install Microsoft Office 2003 SP2 and hope that solves it. Somewhere along this time, I had also found a suggestion of removing the entire mail PROFILE and creating a new one. *(The theory being that previous account information […]

BIOS Beep Codes

Friday, November 18th, 2005

One of the nice things about working on computers is that when it comes to the raw hardware of a system, the engineers have designed a way to communicate what’s wrong (even if it’s just a general idea) even when the hardware has a pretty serious problem. When a computer boots it goes through a […]

There aren’t THAT many phish in the sea, more on phighting phishing

Friday, July 29th, 2005

The last post, I got sidetracked into another idea as I was doing a google search. Not uncommon. OK, what I was curious about is how many phishing sites are estimated to be “in the wild” at any given moment threatening to defraud viewers? Well, my search did turn up an interesting report.    Send […]

Google as a tool for crackers

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Google is a search tool which I use literally every day. Sometimes it’s multiple times per day. Sometimes I can’t imagine how I would function without being able to do a quick google search. There are some features that I don’t often use and in some ways have promised myself to use more in an […]

Busy Evening

Wednesday, July 20th, 2005

I’ve got all traces of the old cms system off of the server now. (Well there might be a README here or there, but all php scripts from the old CMS are now gone.) At this point I can disclose a bit about the sudden move.    Send article as PDF   
