Microsoft should use a /home partition….

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

I saw this yesterday or day before… George Ou has said that Microsoft should move user data to it’s own volume (or partition). He is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. I think these days the default install for any modern operating system ought to assume you care enough about your data to seperate it from the main OS. […]

Qemu 0.8.1 (with kqemu 1.3.0pre7)

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

While I was testing out the “single cut and paste” linux vnc remote desktop sharing script and x11vnc binary…. I spent a fair amount of time booting up livecd’s n qemu to test various distributions/ages of linux setups to see how compatible things were. I had not checked in at the qemu site in quite […]

Vista’s rocky road….

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006

Microsoft hasn’t got a lot of positive free publicity about Vista that I’ve seen. I read about a Gartner Group suggesting that it wouldn’t be available until 2nd quarter 2007. (Which was shortly after Microsoft said they wouldn’t make 4th quarter 2006 if I recall…) I’ve seen a lot of analysts talking about how the […]

Microsoft updates for May

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006

It looks as though there are two critical updates to be had today, one moderate/low (depending on the OS version.) The critical updates are one biggy for Exchange server which is reported to break some functionality with regards to Blackberry -> exchange server integration… This is an obviously important patch to get in since the […]

Multi-OS virus?

Saturday, April 8th, 2006

The multi-OS virus may be a proof of concept, but it could be a sign of bad things to come. Let’s face it, there have been viruses that have taken advantage of multiple ways of spreading (email/open network shares/instant messengers…) It would almost make sense that even though it’s POC…. it may be quickly incorporated […]

Preparing for disaster recovery – system change log

Tuesday, January 17th, 2006

There are a lot of elements to a good disaster recovery strategy…. knowing where offsite backups are located, keeping the offsite backups fresh. Knowing where any ON-site backups are. Having a plan for quick access to replacement hardware. One that probably is easily overlooked is very low-tech. That’s a system log. I don’t know that […]

Windows XP SP3

Tuesday, January 17th, 2006

Well, in the article the other day about the Windows wireless problem/(feature that could be exploitable?) there was a mention that the default behaviour for Windows would be changed with the next service pack, for XP users that’s SP3. So, when can we expec this? It seems that service pack three for Windows XP probably […]

Another Win98 patch for WMF vulnerability

Sunday, January 15th, 2006

There’s another patch for those Win98 users that are nervous about the WMF vulnerability that was announced at the tail end of the year. This site has made the patched version of gdi32.dll available to any and all. Their patch is open source. They basically say “it works for them…” no warranties. Steve Gibson has […]

Symantec fixes possible rootkit issue

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

Brian Krebs at the SecurityFix has the story. Symantec, has fixed a problem with their SystemWorks and SystemWorks premier software that could allow malicious software to hide in the Norton Protected Recycle Bin. That software, could have used the nprotect directory to evade detection by antivirus and antispyware programs.    Send article as PDF   

Kubuntu Review and Ubuntu Review

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

There’s a good review up of both Kubuntu and Ubuntu over at The writer doesn’t seem to find either a perfect fit. Ubuntu is Gnome based, Kubuntu is KDE based. The versions reviewed are 5.10 Ultimately the writer suggests Suse Linux 10.0 or Xandros as a desktop workstation, Mepislite or SimplyMepis for a new […]
