Another workaround for the 0-day WMF Exploit

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

I notice that the Sunbelt Blog has some instructions up for blocking the zero-day Windows Meta File (WMF) exploit with their newly acquired kerio firewall. (Free or full version.) Either version can use an add-on rule from bleeding-edge snort (intrusion detection signatures…) Instructions in the link above on how to implement the rule addition.    […]

Lawsuit against 180solutions, eXact, Direct Revenue

Tuesday, December 20th, 2005

Things are going to be interesting. A lawsuit has been filed against the three listed above, everyone’s favorites…. 180solutions, Direct Revenue, and eXact Advertising. This is coming from the Sunbelt Blog who received a tip. The suit has been filed in California, the defendants want to move the suit to Federal Court.    Send article […]
