A couple interesting online Advertising notes

Friday, May 12th, 2006

I’ve run across a couple of interesting things. The first was linked to from the second one I’ll mention. I know, some time back, I visited a publicly available Google Adsense tool a few months back and at that time found an interesting tool that gave you keyword suggestions based on a term or keyword […]

Microsoft fixes security fix….

Friday, May 12th, 2006

Well, for the second month in a row (I don’t recall one in March..) Microsoft has re-released a patch for Windows. This time it’s the Flash patch (which really falls under 3rd party software). They’ve re-worked the version detection of the update in an attempt to solve all the problems that people have run into […]

Federal requirement to disclose database security breaches?

Thursday, May 11th, 2006

Fines and prison time are among the penalties envisioned under a proposed house bill. The requirement would be that businesses with database holding information on more than 10,000 people (or federal employees) would have to inform either the Secret Service or the FBI of a data security breach. (The maximum sentence would be five years.) […]

Google Adwords traffic estimator

Thursday, May 11th, 2006

For a long time, the only way to play around with Google advertising possibilities was to join Adwords and then you could choose different keywords, see search volume information, estimate the ad position, clicks per day, etc…. I’ve been tempted many times to look into Adwords (which is the flip side of AdSense…) Many times. […]

Antispyware products put to a test

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

There is no doubt that spyware is a problem, but when a vendor of anti-spyware software claims 87% of pcs have on average 34 pieces of spyware per machine installed…… you do have to wonder. And when they claim that in part on FREE anti-spyware software….. “Security analysts blame this increasing infection rate on the […]

Net nuetrality and the changing of the web as we know it

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

Not too long ago I had an article about an ISP/telecom executive that floated the idea of charging some BIG web sites to make sure they had a fast connection/delivery to the ISP’s customers. In effect, they would prioritize traffic for the bigger websites that were able to pay for the added benefit. Those that […]

Ubuntu Center – web control for your ubuntu machine

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

I ran across ubuntucenter today, which aims to be a web based control panel for any ubuntu based machine, providing file access, etc. Here’s their summary… Ubuntu Center is a web based interface for accessing all kinds of information that’s being stored on your computer running Ubuntu Breezy, Kubuntu, XUbuntu, or even nUbuntu box. Ubuntu […]

Sandbox your browser on a linux system

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

While I was reading about browser sandboxing coming up in Vista and musing about how easy or difficult it would be to sandbox OTHER 3rd party applications, I found a comment on a ZDNet post that I think I’ll just copy directly (of course, giving credit to the poster…) Of course, with the user seperation […]

Here’s a bookmark for your NOC (Network Operations Center)… Talisker Computer Network Defense Operational Picture

Monday, May 8th, 2006

Sometime during the winter, I recall President Bush visited the NSA headquarters if I’m not mistaken and there was some press footage of him shaking hands in a very important looking techy monitoring room. A network operations center of some sort. I think they called it the Threat Operations Center. There was one backdrop that […]

Merging PDF documents in linux

Friday, May 5th, 2006

Recently I had a dillemma of sorts. I had a document that had printed to pdf…. each page to it’s own pdf. I didnt’ have time to spend figuring out how to make the document print to one multi-page pdf and so it seemed like it should be pretty easy to attach multiple pdfs into […]

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