Bellsouth server phasing out?

Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

I haven’t had much time to look into this, but one of the mailservers I administer is typically configured to relay through, with as a fallback. Sometime overnight, started getting heavy use and on checking this morning was getting all of the outbound traffic. So, I did a bit of investigation […]

Preparing for disaster recovery – system change log

Tuesday, January 17th, 2006

There are a lot of elements to a good disaster recovery strategy…. knowing where offsite backups are located, keeping the offsite backups fresh. Knowing where any ON-site backups are. Having a plan for quick access to replacement hardware. One that probably is easily overlooked is very low-tech. That’s a system log. I don’t know that […]

Juice – formerly ipodder podcast client for Linux (Windows and Mac too…)

Monday, January 16th, 2006

I’ve been playing around a bit with podcast clients the last couple of days. I’ve been finding online news feeds for the site and for many of those I have bash scripts to handle downloading or streaming the audio available from shortwave broadcasters. I did run across a few podcasts too though and thought […]

Using the command line in linux – part 4

Monday, January 16th, 2006

Dealing with text…. we’ve looked at a couple of basics on logging in and starting to use the command line and hopefully not feeling too helpless there… we’ve seen ways to navigate directories and how to find new commands and how to find out more about how to use them. Now it’s time to talk […]

Using the command line in linux – part 3

Monday, January 16th, 2006

Now that we’ve logged in and learned how to move from one directory to another (and find where we are if we get lost…) it’s probably time to start learning how to find out about other commands. Well, if you press tab at the command line you will likely see something that starts like this…. […]

Using the command line in linux – part 2

Monday, January 16th, 2006

This is part two in a series of “how to use the command line in linux” style articles…. these are intended to be quite basic for those that have not used a command line before…. In part one we logged in (if necessary) and found out about the help command, navigated a bit with the […]

Using the command line in linux – part 1

Monday, January 16th, 2006

I know many people get intimidated with a black screen, white text and blinking cursor. No mouse, not knowing where to start…. well, I’m going to spend a bit of time in this article trying to help show you how to survive the command line in linux. For starters, don’t think that linux is a […]

Scheduling tasks in linux – the at command

Monday, January 16th, 2006

I did an article a while back about cron and scheduling tasks in linux (I also mentioned kron which is a graphical interface for cron scheduling…). That works well and good for things that happen on a recurring basis, but the next question is what if I want to schedule a command (or series of […]

Urgent AOL update

Monday, January 16th, 2006

This sounds like a serious vulnerability. The SecurityFix is reporting on a very serious vulnerability in AOL. The problem affects AOL version 8.0, AOL version 8.0+, and AOL version 9.0 Classic. The vulnerability could allow a remote attacker to take control of a users PC. Basically, all that would be needed is for the AOL […]

Winter Olympics 2006 Turin Italy – technology wibro/wimax

Sunday, January 15th, 2006

The 2006 Winter Olympics are coming up. This time around, the olympics are being held in Turin, Italy. The official site can be found here. I can’t say that I’ve been a huge fan of the Olympics, but there are things that interest me. First is the security environment. Obviously the Olympics is a high-profile […]
