Cutting Short, splitting or truncating mp3 files…

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

from the command line in linux… or generating them from Wavs…. So, I’ve got this CD that I’ve made and is up for sale at traditional hymns done as “chimes”. I’ve spent quite a bit of time recording to hard drive, editing and getting the wav files as good as possible and I’ve uploaded […]

Flash Player 9 for Linux

Thursday, October 19th, 2006

Now… available in Beta form… The Linux version of the Flash player has been stuck at 7 for some time, while many sites require flash 8 for video/etc… (The page to find the beta download is here.)    Send article as PDF   

Linux Permissions Headache

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

Yikes, what an evening….. it started innocently enough in the afternoon. I have an old Mandrake 10.0 server that I was upgrading clamav on (recent security update). While I was at it, I was reviewing the anti-spam setup to see if I could get any better success with filtering junk mail. spamassassin has had an […]

Would you like spyware with that? Apple too….

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

These stories come up from time to time. A free giveaway of some sort and it turns out that there’s spyware or a virus embedded, company gives a big “whoops” and fixes things by replacing them…. McDonalds had a promotion going where up to 10,000 people could win a flash based mp3 player they also […]

Using DNS servers other than your ISP’s

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

As I mentioned earlier, Bellsouth seemed to be in the midst of a big DNS meltdown when I got up this morning. I spent some time getting various bellsouth customers “worked around” the issue by setting up an alternate DNS server for them. For starters…. DNS translates addresses like into numbers (like Think […]

Vista kill switch may push people to linux

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

It’s not really a surprising headline. I think anytime a proprietary vendor tightens the screws a bit to limit piracy they are going to force people to other, competing products. Especially when there’s a significant cost difference involved. If there are three t-shirts for sale, one for $5 with no logo and another for $50 […]

Preventing the automatic update to Internet Explorer 7

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

Internet Explorer 7 is set to be released this month (October 2006) and it will likely be an automatic update for Windows users either November or December of this year. (I’m thinking November.) Now, it’s been a long time in the making, at one point Microsoft said there wouldn’t be another version past 6 of […]

IE7 coming within the month, Firefox 2 RC2 out as well

Monday, October 9th, 2006

It’s kind of interesting to get to do a “browser wars” kind of post where I mention a new release of two browsers coming out about the same time…. The release of IE7 is coming within weeks we are reminded by zdnet. It’s noted that it will be rolled out through automatic updates not long […]

More audio recording musings…. Samson Zoom H4 Handy Recorder

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

So, I mentioned a few weeks back that I was really starting to look again at audio equipment. I have a planned project that I would really like to capture high quality direct to digital audio for and the old tascam portastudio cassette based system from years ago just won’t suit get what I hope […]

Public CWSandbox (es)…

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

Around the time of this latest IE exploit hitting the web, there was also mention of some publicly available CWSandbox sites for the submission of malware. It’s an analysis tool that can give you a report of how the malware behaves and what it would do if run in a “non-sandboxed” environment. There are a […]
