Photoshop and news pictures…

Monday, August 7th, 2006

There was a time when people looked to shape images for political benefit. (I mean political in most ALL senses of the word whether it’s domestic or international or issue oriented politics etc.) By this I mean, “Framing the picture” the right way, in front of a banner, cropping tight on a speaker so you […]

Workfriendly links?

Friday, August 4th, 2006

I saw this by way of SunbeltBLog yesterday….…. you basically enter a web address and choose which “microsoft office theme” you want to use and the page is presented as if it was just a text document (backgrounds/images seem to be stripped) in Word. (Complete with toolbars…) Links still work. Some people have a […]

Windows update advance notice for August 2006

Friday, August 4th, 2006

August’s advance bulletin of Microsoft updates is already up. Tuesday of course is the monthly Microsoft patch day. It appears as though there will be 12 updates this time around. As usual, it could be that individual updates fix multiple problems. 10 updates will affect Windows at least 1 critical, will require a restart. 2 […]

Phantastic site for Phishing research….

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

By way of Sunbelt blog… The Phishtank at Internet Defence has a realtime archive of phishing emails as well as real time information on the status of their host sites. On their phishing site monitor it says…    Send article as PDF   

Wireless Driver Vulnerabilities

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

There are a couple notes to pass along with regards to some pretty serious vulnerabilities in various wireless network adapter drivers. First, Sans has information on some Intel Centrino updates that resolve some vulnerabilities that would affect the Windows Centrino driver and the ProSet management software. F-secure chimes in on this noting that the download […]

Time for Apple Mac OS X updates again

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

From the look of it Apple has released a bunch of updates for OS X. A number of security issues are detailed. As always, SANS has some good details and links to more info on each of the ~13 issues. Many of them are legacy bugs if you will from older *nix-based systems. This is […]

Security Tip a day for August

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

SANS has an answer to last months browser vulnerability a day blog… for August they’ll present a security tip a day. So, if you haven’t visited the handlers diary, this may be a good time to “tune in”. The first one has to do with strong passwords (I think they decided they may as well […]

Fun way to mess with wireless freeloaders….

Monday, July 31st, 2006

Some people spend a lot of time finding ways to block the freeloaders from their wireless internet. Others find fun ways to mess with them…. They start off by settup up dhcpd.conf to carve out two subnets a “good” one with known mac addresses and an untrusted…. then the fun begins with some proxy side […]

Fun with Voice Recognition

Monday, July 31st, 2006

Lately, I’ve tried to make use of my phone’s voice command system for calls. I’ve had a couple long drives and used a headset and tried to do something that works better without the headset…. “Name Dial”…. “please say the number” (sigh…) “1234567” “did you say 3225467?” “NO” “did you say 3225468?” “NO!” 5 miles […]

Internet Explorer 7 as High Priority update and the ability to prevent it’s auto-download

Monday, July 31st, 2006

The news has come that Internet Explorer 7 will come out as a high priority security update when it’s released later this year. This should mean good things for the folks that are still using IE6 as it will bring quite a few security enhancements. (On a side note, my test of Vista with IE7 […]
